Wednesday, October 5, 2011


You may all be thinking that you are about to read a post about the immortality and the eternal life of man, and while a discussion on 2 Nephi or Alma or even Moses would produce some great ponderments, the immortality I'm about to write about is of a different kind: cell reproduction.

I just finished a book, at the suggestion of my friend Nicole, who recently graduated in English Teaching, which means she really knows her stuff when she recommends a book. This book is called The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks.  Very interesting biography of the woman whose cells were the first to be reproduced indefinitely. These cells were used in laboratories all over the world to find the cure for polio, to test the effects of space travel on humans, and to enhance the efficacy of chemotherapy on cancer patients.  This book explores the woman whose cells were stolen from her and the effects that this knowledge had on her descendents.  Makes for an interesting discussion on the rights of patients vs. the rights of doctors/researchers.

1 comment:

  1. Yay, I'm glad you liked it! I did an out loud "woo" when I saw my name hyperlinked. Sweet!
