Friday, March 8, 2013

Snow Removal

Barely exists in Kirksville. It's more like snow move-over. For the most part, the snow is just pushed to the side of the road, sort of.  I understand why: it's a smaller town with few large roads and traffic. The town pretty much shuts down at the prospect of a few inches, so why bother wasting energy when no one will be driving anywhere anyway?

Because the roads are already narrow, two lane roads become one laners, and I'm beginning to wonder if we'll ever be able to get our garbage cans emptied again. Not only is there no place for them on the side of the road on garbage day, but all 8 of them (for our complex, not just us. although, with the amount of diapers we go through, I sometimes wish it were just for us :)) are buried and barricaded in their wooden slots under heaps of hardened snow.

Winter rule: the blankie has to stay wrapped around the neck so it doesn't drag in the snow and slush.


  1. We had the same conversation yesterday! We haven't had our trash taken for weeks now. We don't really know what to do. Haha. And I cannot fully express how much I love that he has a blankie. I still have mine Gabe =)

  2. Love these pictures. He is so adorable.
