Sunday, November 4, 2012

Serious Shopper

We've been frequenting old Walmart quite regularly lately. For three purposes:

1) I've lost the meal-making/planning steam, so every day around 4:00 I finally decide what to make for dinner, and realize that we don't have the stuff to make it.

2) There's a snake living outside our duplex.  A big one. It's been spotted twice: once by me, another time by a friend stopping by. Yeah, I screamed. And freaked out. And, I'm now reluctant to let Gabe outside. At all. So, aside from our outings to the park and the library, Walmart is the place to go.

3) Treats. I can't get enough of them.  You would think Halloween should have done us all in.  But, no. Here we are (mostly me), snarfing down every last drop of brownie batter while the real deal bakes in the oven.


  1. Brownie batter and all and you didn't get fat at all this pregnancy. So unfair. ;)

  2. I'm with Carly! You look great. Cute post. Makes me laugh. And a big snake outside your apartment?! Yuck.
