Monday, November 14, 2011

Another Review

So, I still can't think of anything to write about/tell, except that Phil has been uber-busy studying.  We're talking studying from 7:00 in the morning until well after midnight, with a short break for lunch and dinner, every single day!  He had block testing this morning, and he's got Finals on Friday.  Below is a shot of him in action from tonight, a scene I rarely get to witness since he is usually at the library.

I've been making lots of cookies for various occasions.  We keep the extras and eat them.  I don't have any pictures of the cookies because, ya know, they're gone already.

Gabe has been exploring some gustational delights, the most recent of which is: soap.  Yep, the bathroom bar of soap.  I turned around for literally a minute and he had already devoured a pretty good chunk of the bar that was left (cough - Phil - cough) on the edge of the tub.  Gabe thought it was really tasty and got pretty upset when I took it away.

Other than that, I'm at a lost of cool/interesting things to tell.  So, I'll post some older videos of Gabe (consider it a Gabe-explosion) that I was meaning to post but never did.  I apologize in advance: I wasn't able to edit the videos, so some are kind of lengthy.

This first video was from over a month ago.  If you watch the first 1:00, you've seen it all.

ok. nevermind. the videos didn't upload. try back later.


  1. Ha ha ha. I love the left-over soap residue on his cute lil un-happy face.

  2. Ew! I really kind of hate soap (which is probably gross). How are you going to punish Gabe for saying bad words? I guess you can reward him with soap for saying good words :)

  3. Haha I love that! I know it may not seem very "blog worthy" to you but I love hearing about the little things Gabe does. Keep blogging about the little things!
