Friday, September 23, 2011

Under the Weather

Gabe, as far as I could tell, wasn't feeling very well the past two days.  It started yesterday with a runny nose, and was probably exacerbated while we were out and about at exercise group, the park, running errands, our long walk, and then babysitting at night while Phil and I went to a meeting at the school.  He felt warm and was really whiny, so we stayed home most of the day today.  By the end of the night, he seemed more Gabe-like.
Despite probably not feeling well, he did have a lot of fun yesterday, especially while we were outside.

Yesterday was Abbie's birthday! He turned a whopping **. Ya mon!
Today is Morgan's 13th birthday! Unfortunately, I don't have any really old pictures of him at my disposal, but here's one from our wedding.  He's the one in the yellow tie :)

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